Friday 15th November

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This Anti-Bullying Week, our school came together to celebrate respect, kindness, and individuality in meaningful ways.

In Nursery, children enjoyed stories about friendship and discussed what it means to be a good friend. Through role-play and problem-solving activities, they learned who to turn to for help and shared kindness by making friendship cards to exchange with classmates.

In Reception, children wrote “friendship recipes” in their journals and decorated odd socks to celebrate individuality. Throughout the week, children across the school wore odd socks to celebrate uniqueness.
Year 1 explored kindness, empathy, and ways to stand up against bullying. They wore and designed odd socks and discussed what bullying is and how to respond if they see it happening. They brainstormed ways to spread kindness, like including others in games and using kind words, creating a supportive and friendly classroom environment.

Year 2 channelled their creativity into designing anti-bullying posters and used the computers to create their own anti-bullying songs, spreading messages of kindness and respect through both art and music. Year 2 and Year 5 also enjoyed buddy time, building connections across year groups.

Year 3 began the week by discussing types of bullying, including physical, verbal, and cyberbullying, and the importance of not being a bystander. They celebrated World Kindness Day on November 13th by creating posters for Anti-Bullying Week and World Kindness Day, which are now proudly displayed around the school.

Year 4 explored respect and kindness in their creative writing, inspired by their class novel’s main character who recently faced conflict with empathy. They wrote stories featuring a main character who responds to challenges with kindness. In PSHE, they acted out respectful and disrespectful scenarios to deepen their understanding of positive decision-making.

In Year 6, children expressed the theme of respect through poetry, capturing their thoughts on kindness and empathy.