
Saint Christina’s enjoys a well-deserved reputation for sporting success. All pupils enjoy specialist PE lessons led by our Director of Sport.

Our pupils benefit from on-site sports facilities as well as the open spaces of Primrose Hill and Regents Park. Our Nursery children have two sports lessons each week. These lessons take a cross curricular approach, aimed at enthusing and engaging them in physical activity and building co-ordination. Children in Years 1 and 2 have three lessons each week, building on these skills. By Year 3 the children are enjoying one long afternoon of sport off site each week and one lesson on site focussed on skill development.

We offer high standards of coaching which enables the children to test their skills in a broad range of sports within the curriculum including cricket, football, netball, cricket, swimming, athletics, tag rugby, gymnastics and rounders.

Sport at Saint Christina’s aims to support the overall ethos of the school. We encourage the children to participate in curricular and extra-curricular sporting activities in order to find a sport they love and to build team skills to encourage enjoyment, teamwork and fun. Pupils are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of sportsmanship in all lessons and fixtures, helping them to understand how you learn from mistakes and failures.

Currently events such as Swimming Gala; Cross-Country Competition at Primrose Hill and Sports Day at Regent’s Park are highlights of our annual sporting calendar alongside regular fixtures and involvement in regional and national inter-school competitions.