Art Design & Technology

Art encourages self-expression and creativity, builds confidence and a sense of individual identity which is why we place such importance on it at Saint Christina’s for children of all age groups.

Art is led by class teachers in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. A specialist teacher in Key Stage 2 liaises with other departments to ensure strong cross-curricular links. Recently our Nursery children benefited from time spent with a Visiting Artist which resulted in the children creating their own Jackson Pollock-style paintings.
We are also fortunate to have a Sculptor in Residence, Susannah Wheatcroft. Susannah is a conceptual artist, specialising in sculpture and installation and is known for her work bridging the gap between art and science. She is responsible for creating our dolphin sculpture.

Children’s work is displayed around the School and they have the opportunity to take part in Art competitions.

Design and Technology lessons nurture the children’s creativity and innovation as they are given the opportunity to develop their designing and making skills.

Children experience working with a range of materials, tools and techniques. They are encouraged, through discussion with their peers, to find solutions to design problems for themselves. An important aspect of Design and Technology lessons is that the children learn to develop a respect for the environment and for their own health and safety and that of others.