The children at Saint Christina’s enjoy helping others. We encourage them to demonstrate public spirit and selflessness, to be aware of and support those who are less fortunate than them. Each year we donate harvest food gifts to those in need in our local community and Christmas gifts to children who might not otherwise receive one. Over the year we actively encourage families to donate food to support Father Terry’s Food Bank alongside a number of other charitable activities.
In addition to this traditional interpretation of ‘charity’ we also give of ourselves in different ways. These include supporting our local hospice through carol singing at Christmas and the learning and recitation of poetry through the ‘Poetry Together’ initiative. Actions such as these enrich not only the life experience of the people they hope to support but also our own pupils by helping them to understand the values of kindness, thoughtfulness and empathy.
In recent years, we have supported:
- ‘Little Farmers Project’ in East Timor in collaboration with the PROACIS foundation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, helping struggling farming communities.
- The children’s anti-bullying charity, ‘Kidscape’
- Poppy Appeal
- Providence Row, a local homeless charity
- Magic Breakfast