Early Years

The Early Years at Saint Christina’s School is comprised of our Nursery class and two Reception classes. We offer the very best in early years care and education and a fun and enjoyable learning experience for each of our children.

A number of features make our Early Years provision outstanding:

  • We pride ourselves on the start we give to each child’s learning journey. Our aim is to ensure that every aspect of their development is carefully catered for. As well as Literacy, Communication and Mathematical skills, we work on building children’s self-confidence, their knowledge of who they are and how special they are as individuals. Whether they are counting, painting, pedaling a bike, sharing a book or dancing, Saint Christina’s children in the Early Years’ classes are happy children.
  • Our facilities are excellent and provide a stimulating environment where children are happy, secure, confident, and ready to discover new things every day. We are able to offer Forest School, a dedicated STEM area in our Nursery and a dedicated Science Park to our Early Years children.
  • Our specialist Nursery staff work hard to ensure a smooth transition to School. The children develop pre-reading, pre-writing and numeracy skills through play and grow into socially confident children who enjoy coming to school.
  • In Reception class, these excellent foundations are built upon and the children are able to progress naturally in their learning as they develop greater independence.
  • We organise regular trips to complement the children’s interests and learning. Previous outings have included art classes at the Tate Gallery, visits to London Zoo, explorative walks to Primrose Hill and Christmas theatre trips.

“May I commend the amazing team you have in Nursery! My daughter absolutely adored the mud kitchen (brilliant idea!) and asks for the rain every day. And the latest ducklings that waddled and wobbled into the classroom. It is so endearing to see all the little children watch them.” (Nursery Parent)

As well as inspiring school and class-based activities, trips are organised regularly to complement the children’s interests and learning. Previous outings have included art classes at the Tate Gallery, visits to London Zoo, explorative walks to Primrose Hill and Christmas theatre trips.

At Saint Christina’s School our aim is to ensure that every aspect of each child’s development is carefully catered for. As well as Literacy, Communication and Mathematical skills, we work on building children’s self-confidence, their knowledge of who they are and how special they are as individuals. Whether they are counting, painting, pedalling a bike, sharing a book or dancing – Saint Christina’s children in the Early Years’ classes are happy children. We pride ourselves on the start we give to each child’s learning journey.