School Prefects
Being a School Prefect at Saint Christina’s focuses on leadership. We assert that the opportunity to have a position of leadership is an opportunity to grow personally. We are keen to give the children an opportunity to step up to a position of responsibility, to ensure that it is something that they are able to do and explore with them how leadership will help them develop.
Therefore everyone in Year 6 takes on a position of responsibility. In Year 5 all children undertake a Leadership Training Programme so that they have the opportunity to form ideas of what a good and effective leader looks like. Our emphasis is on what we would call ‘servant leadership’ where we lead through example and on the mantra that we wouldn’t ask someone to do something that we wouldn’t be prepared to do ourselves. In this sense, we challenge the children to lead with our mantra of, ‘loving our neighbour as ourselves’ in the forefront. We show the children examples of individuals who lead by example, who use their authority in the right way, who are respected for their views and who make the world a better place.
Our Prefects learn vital life skills as they fulfil their roles:
- Leading teams
- Effective communication
- Conflict resolution
- Managing own and others’ expectations
- Learning from success and failure
The Prefects’ main duties include:
- acting as friends and buddies for those who need support and ‘looking out’ for each other in our school community whatever the year group
- displaying leadership qualities: confidence, initiative and kindness
- working with the Headteacher and staff to promote good behaviour, manners, politeness and to assist in helping the School to run effectively
- supporting all who work in the School for the benefit of the children
- upholding our values of honesty, respect, fairness, service, love of one’s neighbour
- practically helping with different things, for example preparing the Hall for assembly, assisting in leading worship, and showing parents around on an Open Morning.