KS1 & KS2

Key Stage 1 covers Years 1 and 2 (ages -5-7)

Key Stage 2 covers Years 3 to 6 (ages 7-11)

At all stages of education at Saint Christina’s, we take pride in taking the lead in providing an outstanding future-facing education for our pupils, preparing them for all stages of their life journey by giving them a broad and relevant set of skills to meet the future demands of a complex, competitive society.

Our provision for pupils in Years 1 to 6 is distinctive for a number of reasons:

  • The rich curriculum we offer, promoting intellectual global curiosity and achievement at all stages
  • Our co-educational culture ensures there are no barriers to learning
  • Our first-class STEM offering, which includes: an outstanding Science and Maths programme; competitions benchmarking the children against their cohort nationally; learning about construction; robotics; coding; building a Formula 1 racing car
  • Our Intellectual Curiosity Programme injects awe and wonder into learning and allows for the development of academic stretch and independence
  • Our facilities and resources: Large outdoor play and learning spaces, Science Room, ICT Suite, iPads and Chrome books across the School, Art and Dance Halls and easy and frequent access to Primrose Hill, London Zoo and Regent’s Park for both Sport, Science and Forest School.
  • Our well-resourced library
  • Our pupils gain places at highly sought-after senior schools despite the fact we are non-selective



Literacy - English

At Saint Christina’s, success in Literacy underpins success in all other curricular areas. Children develop their skills, knowledge and confidence through participation in a broad range of stimulating activities in:

• Reading
• Writing
• Spelling and Handwriting
• Grammar
• Speaking and Listening
• Drama and Poetry

Learning is enhanced using ICT and media resources in the classroom.
We are most fortunate to have a well-resourced library to support learning and to foster a love of reading in a welcoming and child-friendly environment.


Mathematics is all around us, providing a useful model for our world. It provides a language in which to express complicated ideas in a simple way and creates a structure for solving problems. There is also a beauty in the logic of Mathematics. Through investigations and other challenging problems we aim to give pupils a sense of the pleasure of seeing patterns and exploring new ideas.
Mathematical problem solving is in many subjects. Knowledge of co-ordinates may help children with map work in Geography, or knowledge of graphs may help children record survey work in PSHE. In addition to this, the children are entered into competitions such as the Primary Maths and the UKMT Challenges. In the latter, our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils enter the Junior and the Intermediate competitions which are pitched at children aged 11-14 and 14-16 years, respectively. Despite this being a significant reach for the children, they invariably certificate at Bronze, Silver and Gold.
We set out to show children that Mathematics is an enjoyable and interesting experience – in short, that Mathematics is fun!

Religious Education

Saint Christina’s is first and foremost a Catholic school but we understand that our pupils need to acquire knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of other religions, not only to develop their own history and culture but to help and guide their personal development.
We firmly believe that children who are confident in their own beliefs and values will respect the religious and cultural differences of those around them, ultimately leading to a more united and compassionate society.
We mark the important religious dates and festivals of those in our community and parents are invited in to talk about their own particular celebrations.
In their study of Religious Education, children are offered opportunities to use their compassion and empathy in the service of others and this provides our pupils with a rich ‘life education’ during their time at Saint Christina’s and beyond.


At Saint Christina’s we combine science, technology, engineering and mathematics to create an interdisciplinary approach to learning where academic ideas are coupled with real life experiences. We have recently refreshed our STEM curriculum and introduced a range of STEM-based clubs to ensure that pupils acquire an understanding of scientific concepts and skills which can be used to solve questions through investigative enquiry. For example, building a robot in an after-school club will build on knowledge acquired in Computing and our project to build and race mini-F1 racing cars introduces the children to Physics and Engineering.


Children are excited by and interested in Science because it enables them to understand the world around them. At Saint Christina’s we place emphasis on the relevance of science to our everyday lives, developing curiosity and enthusiasm for all three branches: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We have a well-resourced Science Lab which means lessons are practical and interactive and we follow the ISEB Science Curriculum, which is used by Schools preparing children for Common Entrance at 11 and 13+.
At all ages children engage in investigative work that allows them to develop the techniques and skills necessary to form and test scientific theories and draw their own conclusions. We encourage class discussions to develop the pupils’ abilities to articulate what they have learned, their methods and discoveries.
Teaching and learning in Science is enhanced by visiting scientists, Science Clubs, the celebration of National Science Week and trips to the Royal Institution, Science Museum, London Zoo.


Computing at Saint Christina’s School is a subject that is valued as being central to children’s current and future skills development.
We are fortunate to have a modern ICT suite that is equipped with networked PCs. In addition, every classroom has a Clevertouch Interactive Screen for teaching and access to a class sets of iPads or Chrome Books to enhance delivery of the curriculum.
For our pupil’s enrichment and extension of the subject we have access to a variety online media curriculum resources. The emphasis of the curriculum is ultimately on Coding and the older children are entered into the Oxford University sponsored Bebras Coding Competition annually.

Art / Design and Technology

Art encourages self-expression and creativity, builds confidence and a sense of individual identity which is why we place such importance on it at Saint Christina’s for children of all age groups.
Art is led by class teachers in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. A specialist teacher in Key Stage 2 liaises with other departments to ensure strong cross-curricular links. Recently our Nursery children benefited from time spent with a Visiting Artist which resulted in the children creating their own Jackson Pollock-style paintings.
We are also fortunate to have a Sculptor in Residence, Susannah Wheatcroft. Susannah is a conceptual artist, specialising in sculpture and installation and is known for her work bridging the gap between art and science. She is responsible for creating our dolphin sculpture.
Children’s work is displayed around the School and they have the opportunity to take part in Art competitions.
Design and Technology lessons nurture the children’s creativity and innovation as they are given the opportunity to develop their designing and making skills.
Children experience working with a range of materials, tools and techniques. They are encouraged, through discussion with their peers, to find solutions to design problems for themselves. An important aspect of Design and Technology lessons is that the children learn to develop a respect for the environment and for their own health and safety and that of others.


At Saint Christina’s School we aim to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world around them.
Pupils develop their geographical skills, knowledge and understanding through the study of places and themes linked to the local area and the wider world. Fieldwork forms an important part of the Geography curriculum. Teachers provide many opportunities for pupils to undertake fieldwork such as mapping the local area, a river study and considering traffic issues in the high street.
A residential visit to undertake fieldwork and study the contrasting locality of the Peak District takes place in either Year 5 or Year 6.


Children learn about events in the past and how they have influenced our society and the way we live today.
Our History curriculum enables children to develop enquiry skills and acquire important historical knowledge. Children have access to a wide range of resources including artefacts, workshops, photographs, historical documents, maps and our extensive library.
Pupils’ learning is further enhanced by educational visits to such places as The British Museum, The Florence Nightingale Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood, The Ragged School Museum and Hampton Court Palace. During a residential visit to the Peak District enables pupils study the history of Eyam.


Personal, social and health education (PSHE)

The study of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) at Saint Christina’s School follows the belief that every child should have opportunities for improving their social and personal skills, increasing their awareness of democratic responsibilities and personal health. As they develop and strengthen their awareness of their individual identity, feelings and character, children gain life skills that enable them to take an active and valued role in their School community and beyond.



Spanish is spoken by nearly 5% of the world’s population which is why it is the MFL of choice at Saint Christina’s. Our aim is for the children to be masters of one language by the time they leave us.
As part of the future-facing education we offer, we are fortunate to have a specialist Spanish teacher among the staff. The aim is for children to feel confident in expressing the language through games and songs and, as they get older, they become more aware of how the language works through an increasing amount of writing, grammar and phonetics, as well as the cultural importance of the language.
The native Spanish speakers in our multi-national community are given extension work when their class is enjoying a Spanish lesson.

By the conclusion of the programme, Year 6 children will acquire the transferable skills necessary to study a Modern Foreign Language at GCSE at secondary School. Particular focus is made on the listening, reading, writing and speaking skills of the language.