Learning Support

At Saint Christina’s School we aim to identify and foster each child’s natural aptitude. Through a system of consultations with the child, parent-teacher meetings and regular assessments, we monitor progress and celebrate achievements. When this monitoring and assessment identifies children experiencing difficulty in specific areas of the curriculum, we establish an individual support programme.


Learning support may be in the form of small group support in class, or one-to-one or small group tuition with specialist Learning Support teachers. If there are on-going concerns, we are most willing to advise on further courses of action. Children may be referred to the appropriate professionals for further support and intervention, such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists or Occupational Therapists.


For those children who are new to the English education system in the independent sector, learning support is provided to ease children into their new class and School community. Where possible, one-to-one or small group support is available for children who are learning English as a second language.