Communications With Parents

One of the reasons that Saint Christina’s is such a close knit, supportive and trusting community is because of the emphasis we place on regular, effective communication between the School and our parents.

Each week our parents receive the School Bulletin, which normally includes a letter from the Head or senior member of staff and gives a window into what has been happening in the School.

In addition to this, class teachers email parents each week with an update that includes news around learning and news of upcoming events. This means that all parents have the teacher’s email address in case they need it. Teachers will always meet with parents when needed and the Head runs an ‘open door’ policy.

Two parents’ evening take place each year and parents receive written reports at the end of each term. These may be organised as live or virtual events.

In the Early Years, we use the Early Excellence Tracker which can be accessed via most electronic devices enabling parents to monitor their child’s progress at any time and keep up to date with observations and comments.

Our website is regularly updated with information for current and prospective parents and we have an active presence on social media.