Friday 14th June

Year 1 and Year 4 Buddies Zoo Trip

Year 1 and Year 4 had a wonderful trip to London Zoo on Wednesday. The children have been learning about Living Things and Animal Classification in their Science lessons. The children visited the Reptile House, Giant Tortoises, Lion enclosure, Butterfly enclosure, Spider Monkeys and had lunch in front of the playful penguins! The children finished off their trip with a special treat visiting the Gorilla enclosure where luckily, we got to see the new born infant gorillas!

Year 4 were wonderful role models and taught their buddies lots of information about a variety of animals. Year 1 have been learning about animals and classifying them into different groups. We were excited to share our learning with our buddies and to spot a variety of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. A highlight of the trip was seeing the new lion cubs, who were being closely monitored by zookeepers as they were being introduced to the father lion for the first time this week. We also loved seeing the two baby gorillas.

When we returned to school, we enjoyed completing a quiz about the different animals we saw and learned about. The children had a wonderful time and really appreciated bonding with their buddies!

Ms Higgins and Ms O’Leary

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